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In other government ICT news this week, 11 March 2013

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The Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities is looking to establish an optional panel for the procurement of ICT goods and services, including software design and development, telecommunications and business analysis. The request for tender closed on 25 March, but DSEWPC has said it will continue to accept submissions for another 120 days, reports Computerworld.

The Department of Defence has reported delays in implementing ICT-related recommendations contained in the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) 2012-13 performance audit, which included ensuring appropriate financial systems were in place to support and monitor ICT and clarifying the role of the Chief Information Officer Group (CIOG) as an ICT service provider. The Defence response states that delays in the ICT Reform Program and Shared Services Implementation mean complete implementation is not expected until 2014-15.

The Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman is looking for a Chief Operating Officer who will be responsible for all IT, finance, human resources and communications services. Applications close 21 March.

The Telecommunications Universal Service Management Agency (TUSMA), responsible for administering contracts relating to public access telecommunications services, has appointed Mark Darras as its first Chair, reports PS News.

The Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR) is live at 15 health practices in the Greater Western Sydney region, and another 82 are being registered, reports Pulse+IT. Western Sydney Medicare Local (WentWest) has developed resources to help the remaining 250 practices navigate the system.

The New South Wales Department of Family and Community Services is currently developing an ICT Strategic Plan, which is due to be complete by mid-2013. The plan “aligns with the NSW Government ICT Strategyreforms to improve technology resources, infrastructure and processes”, said a spokesperson. KPMG was contracted to help with the project between August 2012 and January 2013.

The Queensland Government will be launching its ‘open data revolution’ on 3 April 2013, with its Opening the Vault: Open Data in Queensland forum for industry, government and the community. Over 90 data sets are currently available on the website and core Government agencies are developing open-data strategies for the release of further sets, Assistant Minister to the Premier on e-Government Ray Stevens told parliament.

Brisbane City Council has released its digital strategy, which includes electronic licensing and payment systems, crowdsourced maps for emergency notifications and the release of data sets for public use, reports IT News.

Victorian Minister for Technology Gordon Rich-Phillips launched the State’s revamped site last week, which is one of the first deliverables of the recently-launched ICT Strategy. The search-driven portal gives users access to Government information, services, events and social media offerings.

Victoria’s Department of Education and Early Childhood Development is looking for a Director of its IT Services Branch, to lead and manage programs and services.

VicRoads has developed a new road safety app, Road Mode, to help minimise distractions by putting the phone on silent and sending an automatic text response to calls or texts.

Government Chief Information Officers at Melbourne’s CIO Strategy Summit discussed alternatives to heavily customised systems, reports IT News. These included cloud-based solutions, such as NSW’s Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services’ (DTIRIS) $14 million finance and payroll ERP system.


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For more information, please contact the Editor (02) 9955 9896.

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