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In other government ICT news this week, 19 December 2011

by Intermedium •
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Amy Adams has become New Zealand’s new Minister for Communications and Information Technology, replacing Steven Joyce who was promoted to another portfolio.


In the Northern Territory, the Department of Business and Employment has published a Request for Tenders to supply the whole of the NT Government with internet carriage services for a 12 month period. As of June 2011, just over 19,000 people were employed within the Northern Territory Public Service. Tenders close 18 January 2012.


South Australia is rolling out a state-wide Electronic Health Record, which will eventually be integrated into the national Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR). The project will cost $408 million, which includes $90 million in Commonwealth funding under the National Health Reform scheme.


The Department of Human Services has signed a $15.4 million contract for software licences and maintenance with Compuware, which will see its supply covered out to 30 June 2012.


The Victorian Government has continued a spate of mobile application releases with the Report Litter app, from EPA Victoria, and the Vic-Heritage app, released by the Heritage Council of Victoria.


IT Wire has reported that Symantec has won a contract to supply Endpoint Protection to the Tasmanian Education Department, in order to secure its 40,000 personal computers and 700 servers.


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