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Get exclusive access to government procurement data — ICT budgets, tenders, contestable contracts, market signals, competitor insights, and much more

Australian government procurement
Discover the right opportunities
Focus your time and energy on government tenders that match your solutions
Displace your competition
Plan your approach to your competitors’ expiring ICT government contracts
Accelerate your sales process
Eliminate valuable time researching and win government tenders faster
Successfully target prospects
Identify the right government decision makers in your target agencies

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Trend Micro
examining government data
Sales and business development

Smash your public sector targets

Exceed your sales target with unrivalled access to market opportunities, competitors, and tenders.

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government strategy for winning procurement
Buyer deep-dive

Access comprehensive overviews of your target public sector accounts

All major government agencies at your fingertips. 

Source in minutes, not hours or days: 

  • Contact details for the right people 

  • Opportunity size and forecast spend 

  • Addressable projects and expiring contracts 

  • Agency and government priorities 

  • Future agency directions 

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win more government tenders
Demystify the Public Sector

Identify opportunities quickly and efficiently

Find out about government ICT opportunities before your competitors do. Get constantly updated information on: 

  • Recently funded and approved government projects 

  • Addressable expiring contracts 

  • Potential threats and challenges 

  • New and historical tenders 

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Intermedium – the all-in-one government procurement insights and ICT market intelligence platform

Get ready to grow your public sector sales pipeline like never before

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