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Lucy Poole confirmed as the final panellist at Intermedium’s 2024 Federal breakfast briefing

by Intermedium •
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Intermedium’s upcoming 2024 Federal ICT and Digital Horizon breakfast briefing will feature Lucy Poole, General Manager of Strategy, Planning and Performance for the Digital Transformation Agency, as the final panellist. She will be joined by Dr. Paul Robards AM, Chief Data Integration Officer of the Defence Data Division, and Gemma Van Halderen PSM, Chief Data Officer of the Data and Evaluation Group of the Department of Social Services. 

Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher, Minister for Finance, Women, and the Public Service is the keynote speaker. The Minister will share her views on a range of important ICT and digital issues this calendar year. 

Tickets have been flying out the door. As of this writing, only 15 seats are left at this feature industry event. 

Date & Time  Wednesday 28 February 2024, 7:00 AM – 9:45 AM AEST 

Location Hotel Realm  18 National Circuit,  Canberra ACT 2600 

Tickets  Discounts apply to Intermedium subscribers and members of the public sector. 

  • Single seat (Intermedium subscriber) - $380 

  • Single seat (non-subscriber) - $430 

  • Single seat (Government employees only) - $195 

  • Table of 8 (Industry, Intermedium subscriber) - $2,850 

  • Table of 8 (Industry, non-subscriber) - $3,250 

All prices are inclusive of GST. 

Book your tickets or table here

This event is sponsored by Google Cloud.  

Gold and Silver Sponsorship opportunities are still available. Download the sponsorship brochure to learn more. 

For ticketing or sponsorship enquiries, please contact account support who will be glad to help. 

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