Geoscience Australia has commenced its search for a new Chief Information Officer. The ongoing full-time position will form part of the agency’s executive team and will report directly to the CEO.
The Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority, to be formed from an amalgamation of Seqwater, LinkWater, WaterSecure and SEQ Water Grid Manager, is also looking for Chief Information and Technology Officer to develop an ICT strategy for the brand new organisation.
The Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO) is looking to recruit two new employees at the Assistant Secretary level, to lead its Governance Policy Branch and ICT Skills, Capability and Investment Branch respectively. Both positions fall into AGIMO’s Policy and Planning Division.
Barry O’Farrell has unveiled the NSW’s Government’s Digital Information Security Policy. Key ICT directives include the requirement that agencies maintain an Information Security Management System (ISMS) with a minimum set of controls, and the establishment of the Digital Information Security Community of Practice. The policy aligns with the NSW 2012 ICT Strategy’s commitment to consistency in electronic information security across the public sector.
The Department of Defence has awarded a $7 million contract to Accenture for the provision of design services for its Human Resources Modernisation Project. The contract term is from October 2012 to August 2013. The deal was signed under the Applications Managed Services Partnership Agreement (AMSPA), under which Accenture is a Preferred Industry Partner with primary responsibility over the Human Resource Domain.
The Queensland Government has launched an electronic catalogue that allows buyers to search for goods and services covered by whole-of-government supply arrangements.
Datacom has won a two-year contract with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) to manage the SCAMwatch contact centre from December 2012. The company will be providing personalised phone assistance for issues related to recognising, reporting and preventing scams.
The WA Department of Training and Workforce Development has awarded a $4.1 million contract to local WA vendor BP Hatch International for the ‘provision of server and storage administration services’. The contract was awarded under CUA14008 for ICT Services.
The WA Public Transport Authority has signed a $2.1 million contract with Dimension Data for the provision of an enterprise storage solution and transformation program. The contract term is from November 2012 to June 2013 and includes the provision of media storage devices and computer hardware maintenance or support.
Telstra’s cloud-based incident management solution has been deployed by VicRoads to support officers at incident sites. The cloud-based Telstra Spatial Video Solutions, developed in partnership with EYEfi, uses spatial video technology to provide more accurate real-time information about on-the-ground conditions to aid responses.
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Accenture launches into another big year with $50 million Defence HR deal
For more information, please contact the Editor (02) 9955 9896.