The Department of Defence has published the details of its much-publicised telecommunications deal with Telstra on AusTender. The precise value of the deal is $1,046,460,684 and it will reach its initial expiry on 17 September 2019.
The Northern Territory’s Department of Corporate and Information Services has approached the market to set up a whole-of-government deal with a Microsoft Large Account Reseller. Tender documents reveal that the NT has a desktop fleet of approximately 16,000 PCs, running 43 different Microsoft software products with more than 74,000 individual licences.
The NT Quotations and Tenders Online website shows that prominent resellers to government Data #3 and Insight have already registered their interest.
The NSW Government has transformed yet another of its State Contracts into a perpetually open pre-qualification scheme. The former State Contract ITS 2573, which covered two-way radios, and associated antennas, equipment and services will become the ITS 2573 Prequalification Scheme, with new suppliers able to apply for membership at regular intervals.
The Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism has signed a $1.3 million infrastructure outsourcing deal with Zettaserve, most likely in relation to the provider’s ongoing relationship with the National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator (NOPTA) which functions as a branch of the Department.
Geoscience Australia has issued a request for tenders for the provision of fixed line call carriage services for up to five years. In the period from July 2012 to 28 February 2013, the agency made 63,150 local calls, 19,678 long distance calls and 37,477 calls to mobile. Fixed line call carriage was never made subject to a whole-of-government procurement arrangement because it was deemed by the Department of Finance and Deregulation that most Federal agencies would soon move to VOIP based carriage.
IT News has reported that the Australian Taxation Office expects to release the long-awaited Mac-compatible version of its e-Tax software from late June, in time for 2012-13 tax returns to be completed.
The South Australian Government has extended its Distributed Computing Support Services panel deal with HP and NEC (formerly CSG) by one year to 30 June 2014. The extension will cover provisions to SA agencies while the Government evaluates tenders from a market refresh of the $225 million deal commenced in January 2013.
SA also appears to have allowed its whole-of-government deals with Motorola for management and hardware support for its Government Radio Network to lapse as of 23 May 2013. The two deals were worth $33 million combined.
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Telstra takes home $1.1 billion and another 25% of telco market in major Defence deal
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For more information, please contact the Editor (02) 9955 9896.