Must-know ICT and government terminology

A glossary of information and communication technology (ICT) and public sector terms to help suppliers more credibly engage with government.

Term Definition
Software As A Service

A software delivery model in which software is provided to customers over the internet as a subscription service. In this model, the software is hosted by the provider on their servers and customers access it through a web browser or API. Customers typically pay for the service on a monthly or annual basis, and the provider is responsible for maintaining the software, managing the infrastructure, and providing technical support.

Software Engineering

The process of designing, creating, testing, and maintaining software. It involves the application of engineering principles and methodologies to software development, with the goal of producing high-quality software that meets the needs of its users. Software engineering involves a range of activities, including requirements analysis, design, coding, testing, and maintenance. It also involves the use of various tools and techniques, such as programming languages, development frameworks, version control systems, and testing tools, to help ensure the quality and reliability of the software.

Software Support

The ongoing activities involved in keeping software applications operational, secure, and up-to-date. This includes troubleshooting and resolving issues, providing software updates and patches, managing licences, and ensuring compatibility with hardware and other software components.

Software Unspecified

The instructions that make a computer or other hardware device perform specific tasks. Software provides the instructions for hardware components to carry out operations such as data processing, file management, and network communication. In the context of the public sector, software is used to support a wide range of activities, from administrative tasks such as accounting and record-keeping to more specialised applications like data analysis, simulations, and modelling. Examples of public sector software include databases, productivity suites, specialised business applications, and custom-developed software designed for specific government functions.

Sole Source

A procurement method where a single supplier is considered to be the only suitable or available source of supply for the goods or services required. This may occur when there is a single supplier with exclusive rights or patents, or when a certain supplier is the only one who can meet the specific requirements of the procurement. The use of the Sole Source method is subject to strict conditions and may only be used when no other procurement method is available or suitable.

Speech Recognition

Speech recognition, also known as automatic speech recognition (ASR) or speech-to-text (STT), is a technology that enables machines to recognise and interpret spoken language. It uses algorithms and models to convert human speech into digital signals that can be processed and analysed by computers. Speech recognition technology can be used for a variety of applications, such as voice-enabled virtual assistants, dictation software, call center automation, and language translation.


A company or organisation that provides financial or other support for the event in exchange for branding and visibility opportunities. Sponsors may be companies that provide products or services related to the ICT industry or other organisations that are interested in reaching the same target audience as the seminar attendees. Sponsorship may take various forms, including providing funds to cover the costs of the event, contributing to the event's content, or providing giveaways or promotional materials to attendees.

Standing Offer

An arrangement that enables a supplier to provide goods and/or services to an agency at pre-determined prices and terms and conditions. It is essentially a pre-qualified contract between the supplier and the government agency, which allows the agency to purchase goods and services from the supplier whenever needed, without having to go through the procurement process each time. The Standing Offer typically has a set term and is subject to periodic review and evaluation to ensure ongoing suitability.

Statistical and Numeric

Software that is designed to perform statistical and numerical analysis on data. These programs help users perform calculations, visualise data, and analyse trends. Some examples of statistical and numeric software include SAS, R, MATLAB, and SPSS. These tools are often used in fields such as scientific research, finance, and data analysis.

Statutory Authorities

A government agency or body that is established by an Act of Parliament and has its powers and functions defined by that Act. Statutory authorities are independent entities that operate at arm's length from the government, and are accountable to Parliament and the public for their performance and use of public resources. They have a specific statutory purpose or mandate, and are typically created to carry out specific regulatory, administrative or service delivery functions.