Our Events
Our online and in-person events are the ideal avenues to gain market intelligence, connect with your peers and public sector leaders, and bring your brand presence to across to government.
- Learn about latest developments in government through our short and sharp Market Watch webcasts
- Know how much has been allocated for your market in the financial year's federal and state budgets at our Budget Briefing events
- Develop a sound market strategy by understanding the metrics and levels of digital government readiness in each jurisdiction
- Position your brand to senior leaders in government in an environment conducive for positive reception
Government panellists have included
The Hon. Victor Dominello
Minister for Customer Service, NSW Government
Dr. Ian Oppermann
Chief Data Scientist, Customer Delivery & Transformation, NSW Department of Customer Service
Anne Luk
Program Director, Cyber Security Group, eHealth, Queensland Government
Melissa Harris
A/g Chief Executive, Land Use Victoria, Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
Jacky Hodges
General Manager, Enterprise Strategies & Communications Division and Chief Risk Office, Australian Bureau of Statistics
David Cullen
Head of Victorian Government Cyber Incident Response Service, Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet, VIC
Anne Moffat
Chief Operations Officer, Office of the Director-General, Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads
Paul Logan
Chief Financial Officer and Executive General Manager, Enterprise Services, Airsevices Australia
Daniel Roelink
Director of Enterprise Architecture, NSW Department of Customer Service
Tony Chapman
Chief Cyber Security Officer, Cyber Security NSW
John O'Driscoll
Whole of Government Chief Information Security Officer, Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet
Vivien Renzella-Rose
Deputy Director, Data, Performance and Business Development, Victorian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages
Jonathon Thorpe
Head of Digital Identity and myGov, Digital Transformation Agency
Gordon Dunsford
Chief Information and Technology Officer, NSW Police Force
Lesley Honeymann
Director, Cyber Security Operations, NSW Department of Customer Service